On Twitter, Trump and “Christianity” Are Mostly Strangers, “Jesus” Is Barely Mentioned
When the Evangelical Christian magazine Christianity Today published a scathing editorial making clear the moral imperative of removing President Trump from office, the President responded with his usual un-Christian temper and name calling. On Twitter, of course.
I was curious as to how often Trump talked about “Christianity,” using that word, previously. This was easy to do. There is a searchable Trump Twitter archive accessing every tweet he has ever made. One need only type in the word “Christianity” to see every reference use of the word in Trump’s entire history on Twitter.
Prior to the two uses above, Trump used the word “Christianity” a grand total of . . . three times.
Yes, three. In those he was generally pledging to himself, personally, “save Christianity.” I’m not sure from what. I really thought Christ was supposed to be the savior, not the President. Here’s an example.
I was curious how often the three times Trump used the term “Christianity” compared with other words or phrases. I found the following results.
- 15 times for “fuck,” fucking” or “fucked.”
- 41 times for “shit” or various derivatives such as “bullshit” and “shitty.”
- 2 times for “God damn.”
- 36 for “Sleepy Joe” in reference to Biden.
- 100 for “Crooked Hillary.”
- 200+ for “witch hunt.” I gave up counting at well over 200.
- 100 for “dope” or “dopey.”
- 36 for “idiot.”
- 23 for “birth certificate” with each instance suggesting Obama’s was faked.
- 12 for the rather specific phrase “low IQ” or “low I.Q.”
- 4 for “stable genius.”
- 5 for “Jesus” used in the context of Christ’s name (I excluded instances where the letters appeared in the name of someone Trump was tagging or retweeting and once where Trump referred to the Mormon Church by its more formal name).
I think you can see where this supposed Christian’s priorities are.