1 min readApr 12, 2017


The news of the FISA warrant on Carter Page is monumental because of what it means. It means a Federal judge determined that there was probable cause that Page was knowingly assisting a foreign power against this country. In essence, a federal judge determined there was probable cause that Cater Page is a traitor to this country. That is the statutory standard for getting a FISA warrant and I am disappointed that I don’t hear the media telling us that.

As for Trump and reality, where do we begin? Reality did not get in the way of five years of his dishonest Birther crap. Reality did not get in the way of his claim that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11. Reality did not get in the way of his ridiculous claims that over 3 million people illegally voted. And so on and so on. This list would get very lengthy if it were exhaustive.

Why would reality affect him in regards to Susan Rice anymore than it does anything else?




Retired lawyer & Army vet in The Villages of Florida. Lifelong: Republican (pre-Trump), Constitution buff, science nerd & dog lover. Twitter: @KeithDB80